Government Announces Updates to Dock Management Plan

As you may be aware, the swiya Lakes Stewardship Alliance (sLSA)  has been working hard as participants and providing recommendations to the dock management plan (DMP) advisory group over the past 5 months.

Today the BC Government has released an update to the DMP particularly addressing grandfathering of existing docks and boathouses.

Click here to view the details released by the Government.

Updates to management plan provide certainty for Sunshine Coast dock owners
B.C. and shíshálh Nation are making further updates to changes proposed in the shíshálh swiya Dock Management Plan (DMP) to provide additional predictability for Sunshine Coast dock and boathouse owners.

Click here for the Fact Sheet

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Click here to read the Waterfront Protection Coalition (WPC) release.

The sLSA will be reviewing today’s release  and providing additional comments in the coming days . 

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