sLSA Update on Dock Management Plan for Freshwater

Hi everyone - The sLSA Exec felt it was important to provide you with a brief message on what’s happening on the Dock Management Plan front. 

The sLSA Exec Team met this week for an update from Brad Edgelow, who was contacted by the BC Government and shishálh Nation to express an interest in moving forward with the freshwater DMP process.   His response, on behalf of sLSA,  was that we absolutely want to be part of the lakes working group.

Dock and boathouse inventories were conducted recently on the ocean, as part of the DMP process, and it was decided to inventory Ruby and Sakinaw at the same time.  Members of the sLSA exec team went out on the boats with BC Gov and shishálh Nation reps as volunteers to observe the process.  The participants noted the tone was collaborative and focused on data collection. Photographs were taken of all docks and boathouses, establishing a baseline of what exists and the condition of the structures.  Inventories on the smaller lakes are scheduled for the future, with no dates confirmed. 

There is work to be done to ensure the process, regulations, and best management practices for freshwater reflect the uniqueness of the individual lakes. The focus, for now, is two-fold: 

 1.   Ensuring grandfathering and tenure of boathouses and docks on freshwater lakes on an as built basis.  This was agreed on for marine boathouses and docks and we anticipate the same approach for lakes. 

2.   Advocate for DMP regulations appropriate and relevant for new freshwater dock construction.  Regulation needs to be informed by relevant environmental research and experts with local ecosystem knowledge and dock construction experts with knowledge about lake habitat, appropriate materials and engineering requirements.

As part of the process, sLSA has been asked to contribute names of environmental experts within our local communities, in addition to sharing our experience and any concerns that may arise in this process. 

We anticipate the three sLSA team members, who will be part of the DMP Advisory Group, to be Brad Edgelow, Andrew McFadyen and Bev Van Hatten. 

For now, the DMP registration process applies only to ocean docks and boathouses and the lakes continue to be on hold pending the freshwater DMP process.  

FOR YOUR ATTENTION:  We are preparing a set of Frequently Asked Questions and welcome questions you may have about the upcoming process.

Please forward them by Friday, October 25th to

The Government and Shishálh Nation are welcoming this open dialogue and will respond as best they can.