Pushing you back from the water

I received a copy of this email today from Gerald Sieben and he’s given us permission to publish, as needed or use it as a basis for a broader outreach.  He has captured the issue well.

Begin forwarded message:


(Brian Lee*’*s *editorial* :"SCRD is pushing you back from the water")

We know that you are busy but it would be helpful if there is good attendance at this Thursday's information meeting July 4, as well as at the later Public Hearing.  Other groups may be lobbying to impose even more stringent riparian area rules on privately owned lands.  While we are interested in good environmental stewardship, we also need to advocate for the riparian rights of land owners who bought and paid for waterfront and who pay the large tax bills.  The info meeting will have an open house format allowing you to drop in at your convenience from 6:30 until 8:00 PM .

It is important for us to show support for representatives and directors who have stood up and resisted any rapid overreach of setback Bylaws crafted for other areas and then parachuted into to our region as a so called “tweak"...   We need to demonstrate that more stringent setback and buffer bylaws are an unnecessary OVERREACH.  Adding an additional buffer zone is not necessary as  the SPEA protection aims could be accomplished administratively.

Here are some of the general concerns that have been shared:

*- Increased SPEA restrictions (in no build and no go zones) will decrease
property values on some properties.   Rebuilding or renovating homes that
become “legal non conforming” can be a extremely challenging*

*- Property owners require safe and easy access to their contiguous
waterfront (adjacent to the property) *

*-Access to the water from a waterfront property is long established in
case law and a necessary legal riparian right… that is why people save to
purchase waterfront property*

*- We must have a right to build some hard surfaces in the SPEA when
necessary…eg wooden stairs or ramps over steep areas to safely access our
waterfront and our boats and docks*

*- Rules for the SPEA area of our privately owned waterfront lands must be
reasonable and show common sense. **We need to draw a line in the sand!  No
more "soft core expropriation" by overly restrictive regulation .*

*- SPEA treed and shrub areas also need to be cared for **following “Fire
Safe” recommendations to keep our homes and families safe.   Vegetation in
SPEA areas if neglected could become decadent, tinder dry and dangerous
fire **hazards.*

*- Respect for the riparian access rights of private property owners should
also be acknowledged and be written in as part of any new bylaws. *

*- Including ditches and ephemeral “pop up” streams or ponds that would
trigger full setback situations is not **practical or reasonable.*

*- Easy access and egress is a safety issue for day to day waterfront usage
(to bays and lakes that serve as our water highways), for fire fighting,
and water emergencies…*

With all of the time and effort and emotional energy that is being put into the Dock Management Plan issues, for the SCRD to bring in new setbacks on some properties and new buffer bylaws at this time... is very poor timing and is inconsiderate of the community which is enduring a lot of hassle already.

Lee Road/ friends