Dock inventory - Sakinaw, Ruby, and North Lake Associations

The sLSA has been advised by the Province of their plans to inventory all docks and boathouses, including those on the lakes (at least Sakinaw and Ruby for now).  Scheduling details are sketchy, but boats may be on the lakes as early as next week.  It is not known if North Lake, Hotel Lake, etc. will be inventoried at this time. NOTE: The lakes are still on hold for on-line registration.

The sLSA has registered concerns with the Deputy Minister regarding proceeding with the inventory for lake docks now, since many docks have been moved to safer winter locations, boathouses may be dismantled and safety equipment may have been removed from docks and boathouses.  They have acknowledged our concern and have stated that this initial inventory is intended to gather a baseline of existing docks and boathouses. 

Photographs will be taken of docks, boathouses and foreshore structures (below the high-water mark) and dock conditions will be rated per the questions set out below  This will be a boat-based inventory activity, and no private property will be accessed, and no one should set foot on your dock.

The photographic evidence taken will provide a record of the existence and state of docks and boathouses for grandfathering purposes so you may want to take photographs prior if you plan to relocate, change, or disassemble your structures, or remove boats normally moored there.

Each boat doing the inventory has a skipper, a representative of the Sechelt First Nation, a Provincial Government employee and likely a local resident volunteer.  This is being coordinated now.  The sLSA is looking for potential additional volunteers to accompany the survey crews on the water (lake and ocean).  Please contact Cathy McEachern ( if you have any days available in the next two weeks.

Activities to be undertaken

Volunteers may be invited to participate in the collection of the following information which will be gathered on a tablet.

1.     Collecting photographs of each dock and boathouse

2.     Rating the condition of the dock/boathouse per the following questions:

a)     Boathouse present – Y/N

b)     Is boathouse being used for boat storage purposes? Y/N

c)     Is boathouse being used for additional non-boat storage purposes? Y/N 

d)     Are there additional foreshore structures Y/N

e)     Is there unencapsulated Styrofoam floatation – Y/N

f)      If unencapsulated Styrofoam, is it spalling? – Y/N

g)     Does the dock have light penetrating decking? – Y/N

h)     Does the dock have Creosote pilings?– Y/N/NA

i)      Are there any safety hazards of note? – Y/N

j)      Is the dock floating properly? – Y/N

k)     How is the dock’s overall condition (note, needs work now indicates it’s
derelict and will require remediation in the next two years) – Great/Needs
work eventually/Needs work now 

l)  Does dock’s upland property have additional foreshore structures other
than a boathouse? Y/N

Note: Some docks may have been moved/removed from the lakes and follow-ups may be required.